
Hello All!

Next week is NAACP Week and we are celebrating with a weeklong calendar of different events you can attend!

Black Policy Conference @ Harvard this weekend! Representatives from Dartmouth travelled to the conference yesterday to bring back knowledge about policy and policymaking in the black community!

Monday April 16th-@ 6PM Visions of Martin Luther Staring Thru me: King Kendrick and the Black Freedom Movement (Dinner Provided in Shabazz Mural Room)

Tuesday April 17-@5:30PM Reflections on Malcom X (Dinner Provided in Shabazz Mural Room)

Wednesday April 18th- @6PM- Faith, Social Justice, and the American Athlete (Filene Auditorium)

Thursday April 19th- @6PM- Community Dinner (Collis 101)

You don't want to miss it!
