Interested in helping children with autism develop their play, communication, and social interaction skills?


Then you should volunteer with ASPIRE this spring term!


ASPIRE is a volunteer opportunity for Dartmouth students sponsored by the SNSC. Student volunteers run three groups held once a week throughout the academic year with primary goals of helping participating children who are on the Autism spectrum to develop their play, communication and social interaction skills in non-academic settings.

The three groups are:

  1. Swim Group: Fridays 4-5 PM, leave campus at 3:30 PM, at Upper Valley Aquatic Center
  2. STEPS: Saturdays 1-3 PM, leave campus at 12:30 PM, at Green Mountain Center
  3. Playgroup: Saturdays 1-3 PM, leave campus at 12:30 PM, at Green Mountain Center

All transportation to and from the locations is covered by the program, Green Mountain Center, and UVAC are approximately 15 minutes away from campus by car. We've attached an information sheet that includes much more on each group specifically.

We really hope that you will consider making one of the ASPIRE groups part of your weekly routine as it's a lot of fun and the kids really benefit from seeing the same faces throughout the term. We are expecting a lot of kids this year and really need enough volunteers to meet the minimum child to volunteer ratio for everyone to have a safe and enjoyable time! 

If you are interested in volunteering this term, please contact Valentina Sedlacek ([log in to unmask]) and Shashwat Kala ([log in to unmask]).

Please let us know if you have any questions or blitz 

Thank you so much!