Dear Dartmouth Community,

Tonight, in solidarity with the "Take Back the Night" march, Alpha Phi has canceled our social events and is closed to campus. Furthermore, we emphatically support ALL victims of sexual violence (particularly those of marginalized groups, such as Native American and LGBTQ communities, who experience higher rates of sexual violence because of their identifiers), and stand in solidarity with their ability to speak up and be heard. 

As a house, we are recognizing the importance of this initiative by gathering as sisters and engaging in a discussion about what actions Alpha Phi as a house, and all of us as individuals, can take to make Dartmouth a safer space for victims of sexual violence and stop future instances of it. We also support and encourage participation in other campus events to continue this discussion such as KDE’s screening of “It Happened Here” at 9 PM.

While today is a powerful start, this discussion and united support across campus groups CANNOT STOP HERE. We encourage others, and pledge ourselves, to keep this discussion going, and stay vigilant once social spaces re-open their doors. 

A special thanks to the student coalition on sexual violence for making this event happen, and thanks to all those who stand in solidarity - today, and moving forward. 

In solidarity,

Alpha Phi