Tomorrow, on the third night of Passover, join us for a

Liberation Seder

Sunday, April 1st at 5:00pm at the Roth Center

People of all faith backgrounds are welcome!

Scroll down for more info.


What is a Liberation Seder?

Passover is a time when we come together to reflect on liberation, to celebrate our freedom and honor our community’s struggle for it. As we engage with the story of Passover, we will hold space for learning what it teaches us about justice and asking how we can support ongoing fights for freedom— fights for racial and economic justice, struggles to live without the fear of deportation, and the movement against the occupation of Palestinian land— the West Bank and Gaza— by Israel.

We will engage with the difficult and important work of Tikkun Olam—the piecing together of all the broken strands of creation through creative resistance, healing and transformation.