To the Dartmouth community,

We are writing in response to the op-ed published in The Dartmouth on Friday. The article asserts that the members of the Trips Directorate were selected not on merit, but rather because of their identities. These claims are unfounded and harmful, and we stand in solidarity with the Director, Assistant Director, and the entire Trips Directorate. We additionally wish to express our support for women, POC, those with marginalized identities, and all other individuals negatively impacted by its publication.

Many Alpha Chi’s have been heavily involved in the Trips program as leaders, croo members, and members of directorate. We know how important Trips is to shaping the incoming classes’ experiences, and we have the utmost faith in the current Directorate’s ability to provide a fantastic and welcoming experience to the class of 2022.

Although Dartmouth students are allowed to have differing opinions, we cannot condone attempts to discredit the accomplishments of hard working community members simply on the basis of their identities. This issue is not isolated to a single individual or a single opinion; we as a campus must constantly strive towards a more inclusive Dartmouth.

In solidarity,
Alpha Chi Alpha