To the Dartmouth Community,

The Student Mindfulness Group stands in solidarity with the First Year Trips director, the assistant director, and the chosen directorate in the decisions that their excellent and qualified leadership has made and will continue to make. Furthermore, we stand in solidarity with all marginalized groups at Dartmouth -- with women, people of color, disabled people, queer and gender non-conforming people, low-income people, and all others whose identities are at odds with what is promoted as normative at Dartmouth. We stand firmly opposed to any suggestion that possession of merit and marginalized identity are, in any way, mutually exclusive.

We encourage all Dartmouth students to mindfully consider their positionality in the composition of the student body and examine what privileges that positionality brings. The critical acknowledgement this consideration might bring, then, is the following: when an event opposed to your ideal occurs, consider if it is your self or your privilege being challenged.
