*only 2 more days to apply to directorate for...*

*STRIPS 18X!!!!!*

*The application is due Sunday, February 4th at 11:59pm*

*APPLY HERE! *https://goo.gl/forms/TlSJaALcbHMqpQDC2
Strips Directorate Application <https://goo.gl/forms/TlSJaALcbHMqpQDC2>

*Sophomore Trips allows hundreds of sophomores to get outside and go
hiking, biking, climbing, kayaking, canoeing, farming, AND MORE. This
program is the absolute perfect way to kick-off Sophomore Summer! *

*To make this amazing program happen...*

*We are seeking FOUR adventurous, committed and passionate souls to help
organize this **crazy, **awesome, **fun** program, and **YOU** can join
that team!Plenty of information and in-depth descriptions of each
directorate position is included in the application form.*

Feel free to reach out with any questions to the 18X Strips directors,

Jake Klein, Libby Decker, Ben Saccone and Sean Madden