The Academic Skills Center and Tutor Clearinghouse want to welcome everyone back for the wondrous winter term!

House Community-based Resident Experts in Biology, Chemistry, Economics and Math will be hosting their first sessions beginning next week.  They are finalizing their schedules and a new one should be posted soon!  Be sure to include them in your line-up for academic enrichment this term!  Nothing can beat having resources available in your own home!

Those who are able/interested, please consider becoming a 1:1 Peer Tutor or a Conversation Partner!  Right now we have over 300 requests for peer tutorial expertise in the "usual suspects" (STEM subjects), as well as foreign language, social sciences and the humanities.  We also have opportunities for students with native/near-native proficiency in Spanish, French, Chinese, Italian and German.  And one request for someone to converse in Korean as a way to maintain their proficiency (even though it's not taught).

Stay Warm!