The Ceramics Studio is open for Winter Term!

Studio hours for Undergrads:

Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat 1-5pm and Tues 1-2pm

Studio hours for Grads:

Tues 2-5 pm, Thurs 5-7 pm


Hand building instruction is available any time during our open hours, and does not require attending a class.

Wheel throwing requires a 4-week intro class for novices—classes begin week 3. Please stop by the studio in person during the next week if interested. There are a limited number of spots, please do not sign up if you are not able to attend all 4 classes (classes held on Mon or Thurs afternoon for undergrads; Tues for grads).

The intro wheel class can be waived for students with previous wheel throwing experience.


 For more information please check our website: