You: "But wait, didn't that deadline pass?"

YES, but due to increased interest from the Class of 2021, we are currently seeking ADDITIONAL upperclassmen to facilitate the program to allow as more ‘21s the opportunity to participate.

  *   Are you on campus for 18W?
  *   Do you want to be a mentor for 21s through reflective, authentic conversations?
  *   Do you want to develop your own leadership and group facilitation skills?
  *   Do you like to have thoughtful conversations about how personal values and identity affect your role in the Dartmouth community?
  *   Do you wish Dartmouth students thought more critically about problems on campus?


Apply here by December 15th <>  <<Take your time after finals!!

What IS D-LAB?

Dartmouth Leadership Attitudes and Behaviors <> (D-LAB) is a co-sponsored program by Rockefeller Center and the Office of Student life for first-year students to foster critical thinking about leadership and intentional choices at Dartmouth. As a D-LAB facilitator, you will learn facilitation techniques and lead a small group discussion with ‘21s on Monday nights during Winter term!

Listen to a recent graduate discuss how transformative being a facilitator can be:

Facilitators will receive a stipend of $250 for the level of their responsibility and for fulfilling all their commitments to the program.

Your time commitment<>

Additional encouragement from another past facilitator:

“In addition to just getting the fulfillment of being a mentor for freshman as they navigate their first year at Dartmouth, [...] in this moment when we’re struggling and trying to have courageous conversations about topics like identity and oppression in our own lives, on campus, and in the world-at-large, some of the greatest skills that we can bring to those conversations are listening and and empathy. And I really believe that the D-LAB training is a conduit to both of those qualities. The training DLAB provides creates communication that leads to better understanding, not only within the confines of DLAB but also beyond.”