Okay...that was admittedly a little late for the reminder...

Applications for Winter Carnival Council will close WEDNESDAY at 11:59pm!!

From: Winter Carnival
To: [log in to unmask]

The weather only just started to feel like fall, but believe it or not it's time to start planning Winter Carnival 2018!! Ready or not...


Winter Carnival Council | Collis Center for Student ...<https://students.dartmouth.edu/collis/traditions-events/winter-carnival/winter-carnival-council>
Join the planning council for the Dartmouth Winter Carnival. We are seeking students to serve on the Winter Carnival Council as both members and chairs.

We're looking for a team of students excited to lead our annual celebration of all the winter wonders of Dartmouth and the Upper Valley. You'll help select the theme and plan a the weekend's events - and become a part of our century-old tradition. See the link above for more information on what it means to be part of the Winter Carnival Council.

Fill out this SHORT APPLICATION<https://orgsync.com/126597/forms/224725> by MONDAY, OCTOBER 23rd (TONIGHT) WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25th at 11:59pm.

email [log in to unmask] with questions