Interested in the intersection of race, social justice, and religion?
Hoping to explore what it means to live intentionally, ethically, and deeply?
Want to travel to DC over spring break with a group of high-quality people?
Apply for the Tucker Center's Alternative Spring Break (ASB) Program on Race, Faith, and Justice!
General participant applications are due TONIGHT (Saturday, September 23 at 11:59 pm). More information about the trip can be found at Students from all religious and moral traditions are encouraged to apply.


"The ASB Program seeks to bring together students from a diversity of religious and moral traditions to explore the issues of race and justice in the Washington DC Metro Area. Together, this group will engage with a variety of community agencies, religious communities, Dartmouth Alumni, students, and public officials wrestling with issues of faith, race, and justice. By exploring issues of faith and race, participants will have the opportunity to ask provocative questions about one of the most important issues of justice facing our national community and develop meaningful relationships within the context of religious difference while delving deeply into personal visions of what it means to live a moral life."