Hey 21s! (and everyone else)

Do you stand for *environmental justice*?

Do you find the rising frequency of climate catastrophes *unacceptable*?

[image: Inline image 1]

Do you want to make a *lasting impact* on Dartmouth?

Then come to *DIVEST DARTMOUTH*’s first meeting of 17F *this Wednesday
at* *8:00
PM in Robinson Hall Room 108* (right where you first danced during Trips!).

Divest Dartmouth is a student-run campaign (with faculty and alum support)
asking the College to divest from the 200 dirtiest fossil fuel companies
<http://fossilfreeindexes.com/research/the-carbon-underground/>. As a
prominent institution, Dartmouth bears a moral responsibility to stand
against the fossil fuel industry for its role in climate change and the
devastation it wreaks on the world’s most vulnerable populations.

[image: Inline image 2]

to learn more, check out our FB page
<https://www.facebook.com/DivestDartmouth/> and this recent article
<https://dartmouthpolitics.com/2017/05/10/divest/> in the Dartmouth
Political Times <https://dartmouthpolitics.com/>!

*~*~pce luv divest~*~*

Divest Dartmouth