Dartmouth Democrats is holding our FIRST MEETING of the year MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11TH, at 8 PM in SILSBY 113 and you're invited! 💙 Dems is a no-commitment club (i.e. come to as many or as few meetings as you want) and we are happy to welcome students of all sides of the political spectrum. Keep reading for more info!

Want to create real change in our electoral process?


(yes we can!)

Like meeting politicians and celebrities like Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden and the cast of Grey's Anatomy?


Are you the next Senator Kirsten Gillibrand ('88), Congresswoman Annie Kuster ('78), or President Josiah Bartlet (ok, he's from the West Wing, but we had to mention him!)


Come to the FIRST INFORMATIONAL MEETING of Dartmouth College Democrats on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11TH, at 8 PM in SILSBY 113. Come meet your State Representatives and State Senator, learn more about Dartmouth Dems' work, and find out how you can get involved in Democratic activism on campus!

Blitz us with any questions or concerns, and see you there!

Live love dems 💙🎉

Dartmouth College Democrats, Dartmouth's chapter of College Democrats of America, is the premier political organization at Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH. With a particular focus on political activism and issue advocacy, Dartmouth College Democrats aims to get all students at Dartmouth College involved in the political process.

*Check out our Website<http://dartmouthdemocrats.weebly.com>*
*Like Dartmouth College Democrats<https://www.facebook.com/DartmouthCollegeDemocrats> on Facebook*
*Follow Dartmouth College Democrats<https://twitter.com/@dartdems> on Twitter*