Interested in working on issues affecting marginalized peoples at Dartmouth? Apply to the ICC!

Founded in 2004, the ICC is a coalition of students brought together to center marginalized peoples and fight for reform on relevant campus issues. Distinct from groups such as the Action Collective, Palaeopitus, and Student Assembly, the ICC collectively finds a specific cause to focus on and fosters a formal coalition to address this issue. The ICC has the ear of the President’s Office and the Dean of the College, but it is not limited to these outlets. The ICC's points of interest can focus on the struggles of a specific community or broader issues that affect multiple groups (e.g. greater support for ethnic studies, improved student support services, greater administrative transparency, among others). In addition to its main focus, the ICC is also devoted to bridging communication between communities by, for example, circulating a list of organization leaders, organization meeting times, and contact information. The ICC recently underwent a dormancy period, and we're revitalizing this important outlet for mobilizing social change.

The ICC is a group for both action and reflection, being mindful to not flatten the various struggles of different communities on this campus. The ICC meets once a week (time TBD), with occasional extra meetings, and outside labor especially on pressing, time sensitive issues. Members of the ICC may include liaisons from OPAL-advised groups, justice groups, or other communities who are invested in the work the ICC does. As part of the role as a liaison, members must communicate between the ICC and various communities they are involved in.

If you are interested in applying for any terms from 17F to 18X, click here<>. Applications are due Friday, August 18 at 11:59pm. After the application, we may invite you for an informal 15-minute interview at the end of this term or first week of fall.