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Hello Everyone,

Tonight we are having Theology on Tap at 9pm at the Canoe Club (27 S Main Street). Our topic tonight: 

What's your Ecclesiology?

Come again? What do you understand the purpose of the church? What is a church? And, more importantly, who are the members of the church? Is 'being saved' something that can only happen in a church? What about people who don't belong to churches? What it is the point of participation in a church? And is there such a thing as a 'true' church? What about people who believe in different creeds? Are they consigned to some terrible fate because they are not members of a church?

Join us for a Theology on Tap in which we ponder what makes the church. What is the theological basis for the church? It has been said that the church is the one institution that exists for those who are not its members. So what, then, is the point of the church? And what are we to make of all the divisions between churches. If Christians are meant to be one in Christ, why are there so many different churches? And how might one distinguish a church from a cult, a sect or a fundamentalist group?

As usual garlic fries and good company await tonight at the Canoe Club. Everyone is welcome, we hope to see you there!


From: Edgerton Episcopal Center
Sent: Monday, July 3, 2017 5:14:43 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Cc: Guy Collins; Leah F. Torrey; Alyson G. Michael
Subject: Theology on Tap Tonight

Hello Everyone,


Tonight we are having Theology on Tap at 9pm at the Canoe Club (27 S Main Street). Our topic tonight is sex!


Last week we took on marriage, this week we take on sex. What role does our physical body play in love, in relationship, in connection? How is our physical body connected to the soul? How do we define sex? How does the church define sex? Is sex a spiritual experience? What’s up with virginity and birth control, and what role has sexuality played in the church over history?


Please join us tonight for a reflective conversation over a round of free drinks and garlic fries at the Canoe Club at 9pm. Everyone is welcome, we hope to see you there!


