Want to help a peer improve their speaking ability in a foreign language?
Become a Conversation Partner!

*       Conversation Partners are students who are fluent in a foreign language who provide other students with speaking, listening, and communication practice. They do not teach grammar or help with course work.
*       Rate of pay: $8/hour

*       Up to 2 hours per week conversing in the language of study

To become a conversation partner, you must have a professor recommendation<https://students.dartmouth.edu/academic-skills/sites/students_academic_skills.prod/files/students_academic_skills/wysiwyg/12x_cp_rec-2.doc.docx> and fill out a 17X application<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfUG6G1YTlj2_TjPrltFl9iLY_snStYFf5MdIgoluikHDr7Pg/viewform?c=0&w=1>. Visit the Academic Skills Center webpage<https://students.dartmouth.edu/academic-skills/tutor-clearinghouse/conversation-partners> for more information.

We are currently seeking Arabic and Japanese Conversation Partners! However, you may also apply for other languages as we are still receiving requests.

Note: you do not have to have taken a language class at Dartmouth to become a Conversation Partner. You may ask a professor to evaluate your speaking in the language in question through a short conversation.

Do you want to practice speaking a language or prepare for an LSA?
Request a Conversation Partner!

*       Everyone can receive FREE Conversation Partner services for up to 2 hours/week.

*       Fill out a request<https://goo.gl/forms/0sNOHGPtPRCNLHnI2> or visit the Academic Skills Center webpage<https://students.dartmouth.edu/academic-skills/tutor-clearinghouse/conversation-partners/request-conversation-partner> for more information.

The Tutor Clearinghouse
Academic Skills Center | Dartmouth College
224 Baker Library | 603.646.9893