Due to teams still needing time to fill their rosters and a change for the women's league to Co-Rec, the IM Office is going to push back the start of IM soccer to Monday, July 24th.

Log onto IMLeagues.com/Dartmouth to register a team.

Teams have until noon on Friday, July 21 to get their roster size to at least 8 then join a division. Space in the divisions is first-come, first serve. If you move yourself into a division, but then find yourself back on the waitlist, it's because four teams moved before you. The divisions don't get locked automatically - only manually so there will be a lag.

The mandatory captain's/team rep meeting will be next Friday, July 21 at 4pm in Oberlander Lounge. Failure to send a rep will result in a $20 missed mtg fee.

If teams are interested in playing in the Co-Rec league - the roster minimum is still 8, but there must be at least 4 women on the roster as well before your team is eligible to move into a division.

Any questions, email IM Sports at [log in to unmask]