Sup squad,

I am writing to talk to you about the biggest opportunity of your summer life.


Are you ready? Strap on, cause you're in for a wild ride.


Come out to audition for the SUMMERPHONIX!!! We need you! We want you! Can't wait to hear your beauteous melodious voices, and to meet our new family members.


Whomst: you.

Whatst: prepare a verse and a chorus

Whenstdve: starts at 6pm sign up for a slot here:

Wherest: Lower Buck (Music Department back of the Hop)

y tho: save us from ourselves.


~Hope to see you there~

Confidently yours,

the Dodecs   a.k.a   The Suite Life on Dodecs   a.k.a   Progressive like Flodecs   a.k.a   A murder of Crowdecs   a.k.a   Runnin' thru the 6 with my Woedecs💯