Celebrate LAW DAY this

Thursday, May  4
  Rockefeller 003, 5-6 pm

"The Fourth Amendment in Jeopardy?
Privacy vs Security in the Electronic Age"

Judge Jeffrey Meyer

The talk will be preceded by a student lunch with Judge Meyer @12:15 pm in Morrison Commons - RSVP HERE!

BIO: Jeffrey Meyer is a U.S. District Judge for the District of Connecticut. Prior to this, he served nearly 10 years as a federal criminal prosecutor in Connecticut and was a Professor of Law at Quinnipiac University School of Law and a Visiting Professor of Law at Yale Law School, where he co-taught the Yale Supreme Court Advocacy Clinic. Judge Meyer previously served as a law clerk for Justice Harry A. Blackmun at the U.S. Supreme Court. He is a graduate of Yale College and Yale Law School, where he currently co-teaches a constitutional litigation seminar.