Good indicators you need some ~ Alpha Phifa~ in your life:

If you're 100% glad these are in storage:

and ready for a little more of 


If you're thankfully out of cuffing season but can't stop thinking about relationship
And if spring fever's got you feeling like

Then yeah, we've got you covered. 

Alpha Phifa on Saturday, May 13th 12-3 pm on Websterall proceeds go to Alpha Phi Foundation for Women's Heart Health.

Also got some #huge bragging rightstrophies, and stress-relief/anger management opportunities, which let's be honest, we all need after suffering through Hanover winter.

So grab some friends, join a team, and come show off your sick middle-school B team skills in order to win some prizes and trophies.

Hungry? We gotchu. Watermelon, gatorade, popsicles, hotdogs, and more, food of champs (aka you, maybe).

Desperately needing a new gram? Good thing there's a flair contest too, with every team encouraged to wear enough flair to scare off even the most committed of prospies.


So do yourself (and women's heart health) a favor and sign up here!!
4-v-4 Soccer Tournament Fundraiser on May 13, 2017 from 12:00-3:00 PM, Webster Ave. Winners get a dope prize, the title, and a trophy to go with it! You can sign up 4-5 people! Cost: $7 per person WEAR FLAIR!! (best dressed team also gets a prize)
And just because Ronaldo's statue makes a good expectations v. reality meme, doesn't mean your soccer glory dreams will - (protip: prepare with We Are The Champions on repeat, 100% better than those boring drills)

**And don't forget to budget for a shirt!!** Because the next best thing to being philanthropic and sporty is reminding everyone else that you are 

and HUGE thanks to the Positive Tracks foundation, which is doubling all donations, letting us all achieve double the results for half the effort. Can't happen to your bank account and/or grades, but will make a difference for women's heart health!!

Cosponsored by Beta, Chi Gam, TriKap, GDX, Psi U, AXiD, TDX, Alpha Chi, XH, Sig Ep, and Sigma Delt!