You may have seen our earlier advertisement about Glen Royce coming to campus to teach, but if you haven’t, here it is again with a quick time correction!



Glen Royce is a Buenos Aires-based Tango Instructor beginning his U.S. Tour.  He is extremely excited to teach at Dartmouth!  Privates with Glen are being offered Monday late afternoon and early evening.  Please e-mail Faith Rotich ( [log in to unmask] ) to schedule one.


A quote from Glen Royce:


Having been born outside Argentina, tango was never my birthright; simply moving to Buenos Aires wasn't going to cut it. As an outsider I was thrust into the heart of a cutthroat environment, in a sea of great dancers.  [I have an] outsider's perspective [and understand] the details that are otherwise taken for granted by native-born Argentines.  In my experience, many can dance but can't explain why they do something a certain way.  As the outsider and educator, my quest was to learn why.  Now I am coming home to the U.S. to share all that I have learned.” –Glen Royce