
Opportunities on Campus

May 11th (10:00am to 2:00pm) - FRESH CHECK DAY

  *   Spread suicide awareness and promote mental health by participating in short activities during this mental health fair. It will be a great study break!
  *   Held on Mass Row.

May 12th (4:00pm to 6:00pm) - SPRING FLING

  *   Plan and host a booth for Youth Education Mentoring (think DREAM, Growing Change) kids who will be coming to campus. Some ideas include face painting, cookie decorating, and relay races.
  *   Register at this link<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nHoTA97QpWiW-P5auDR4MAjuSCJf87gybYST7RgOZ5I/edit#gid=0> by May 5th to help.

May 13th (9:00am to 1:30pm) - SPECIAL OLYMPICS

  *   Volunteer by timing the races, cheering, presenting awards, and helping out with meals either at the track or pool!
  *   Register at this link<https://goo.gl/forms/mSukKUl5jf6d7kpZ2> by May 6th to get involved.

Upcoming Deadlines

  *   DCS provides funding up to $5000 for domestic and international community service internships with non-profit agencies.
  *   Past internship organizations and locations include The Reading Association of Swaziland in Swaziland, Compassion Children Organization in Tanzania, and Seeds of Hope in Peru. This could be you!
  *   Visit our website<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001qjZp8ddDZNF2roHN0GRfEsXHuSgChgUEYzdFg9cdpNu7RFZOA9Uwm1E3JZey8ArQLj_HExQkNCWESYG-LqjSP-0AL71Tzs7BUgfGqvkeyLlJ41mJCZ8_PjL-4hbQ7NyA4_skRqIsXdkBdM192MzBr1Av7YsT1HEUK5ThRLj7lHFuYwfii0lOrwsPO815nt88pWZYV_BMenY4k33EO4gYmA==&c=Egutm42bLGgeb3oKX1A1K7QzRYX9zKHkRebyjUl_MIqCWZwPP1uneA==&ch=1x8wxlOdDfFjlYuxzcZSvyL3UL9qarbvaZnsFymzSGUAiu1Fc-V9YQ==> to learn more and blitz [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> with any questions.

With Our Community Partners
May 12th (4:00pm to 7:00pm) - DISMAS HOUSE

  *   Prepare a meal at Dartmouth then share dinner at Dismas House.
  *   Dismas House brings former offenders and the community together by providing shelter and support for men and women transitioning from incarceration to new lives.
  *   Sign up at this link<https://orgsync.com/137185/opportunities/1900997/occurrences/4425925> to attend.


  *   Volunteer at the UV Haven in a variety of ways depending on your skills.
  *   The Haven provides support to people struggling with poverty by providing food, shelter, education, and service coordination.
  *   Contact the volunteer coordinator<mailto:[log in to unmask]> to get involved.

If you want to get involved in the Upper Valley community but are not sure how or need flexibility time-wise, look into more opportunities on the OrgSync page<https://orgsync.com/708/community/opportunities>.

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