Hello everyone! 

Below, we’ve attached the link to Summer’s event fundraising link: 


You can register as a team, an individual, or just donate. 

If you are planning on PLAYING, please register as either a) individual or b) team

If you are planning on volunteering as a REF or a FIELD HELPER, please register as an individual. ADDITIONALLY please fill out this google form, as it is the easiest way for us to track volunteers: 


Fundraising minimum as a team is $100, as an individual (single player, referee, volunteer), it is $25

If you cannot volunteer/play, feel free to donate! Everything goes towards Summer’s Way Foundation. 

Location: Sachem Fields 

Date & Time: May 13th, 9:00am-2:00pm

Shirts: More info to come

As for right now, SPREAD THE WORD!! Please contact family members, friends, and whomever else would be willing to donate. 

Questions? Contact Meredith Alaback ([log in to unmask]

We are excited!!