Over 80% of the blood and platelets the DHMC uses are bought from national corporations like the American Red Cross, costing the medical center millions of dollars. 

      Kappa Delta sorority is proud to be supporting "Platelets for Life," a new 

philanthropic organization that has been working closely with the DHMC to create a stronger community of platelet donors at Dartmouth. 

       Come join us Monday 4/10 at 5:30pm in the LSC 205 for a DINNER and an info session on platelet donations with special guest speaker Dr. Zbigniew (Ziggy) Szczepiorkowski (a DHMC pathologist who was recently instated as the president of the American Association of Blood Banks. 

Learning about donations and volunteering to donate is a great way to help strengthen Dartmouth's presence in the Upper Valley community! 

When you donate, be sure to mention your institution (and Greek House if applicable) so you can get your Starbucks gift card! (4/10-4/21) The house with the most donations will win SKINNY PANCAKE catering!!! 

To sign up to donate platelets or blood at DHMC:

1. Use the following link: http://www.dhmcdonor.org/donor/schedules/center/1  

2. Pick a date and time slot. It will ask you to create a donation account (super simple!) 

3. Register for your time. 

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