Dear Friends,

This week at the Edge, we begin our Lenten journey for the year.  Our Wednesday schedule has changed as a result.  There will be no Wednesday Night Dinner at the Edge, but fear not, you hungry souls!  Today at 5:00pm, we welcome you to join us at St. Thomas, the stone church next to Foco, for our yearly Shrove Tuesday feast.  You'll find pancakes galore and live jazz courtesy of Gerry Grimo and the East Bay Quintet.

There will also be no 12:30 Eucharist in the Jonathan Daniels Chapel on Wednesday.  Instead, we invite you to mark the start of Lent with the Imposition of Ashes at one of two services at St. Thomas this Wednesday: one at 12:30pm and one at 7:00pm.  At the later service, the choir will perform Allegri's "Miserere Mei," famed for many centuries for being sung only in the Sistine Chapel.  As ever, these liturgies are open to one and all, regardless of background.

