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You’re cordially invited to participate in LEK-Oliver Wyman co-sponsored Case Competition on February 24th. You’ll be given an opportunity to work on a real-world consulting problem, and present your findings to judges from LEK and Oliver Wyman to get their feedback.


Why should you participate?


Prizes for winners:

  1. All team members of the first two winning teams will get first round interview invitations from LEK Consulting and/or Oliver Wyman.
  2. Cash prize of $500 for the first team and $250 for the second team.


Invitation to networking lunch:

All the participants will be invited to a networking lunch with Oliver Wyman and LEK consultants.


Signing up


Please sign up here. The required team size is 3-4 members. Last date to sign up is Friday 02/17 11:59 PM.

If you have lesser members than this, sign up with however number of members you currently have, and we will work with you to complete your team.


Refer to the attached document for more details.



Team TCC