Dinner Discussion with Professor Ezzedine Fishere

Ezzedine Fishere is a renowned Egyptian novelist and diplomat. During the Second Intifada (Palestinian uprising in 2000), he served as the political advisor to the United Nations Special Envoy to the Middle East. He went on to continue his work with the UN in Sudan and Lebanon. 

Come  hear him talk about his experience with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and his current perspective(s) on the issue. Talk followed by Q&A!

WHEN: Thursday, October 27th @ 6:00 PM 
WHERE: Collis 101
WHAT: Good conversation, knowledge & JEWEL OF INDIA for DINNER (FREE!)

J Street U is a pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-Palestinian group that promotes American diplomatic leadership in achieving a two-state solution as an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.  We believe that Israeli security and democracy, as well as Palestinian human rights and statehood, can only be achieved through a two-state solution based on 1967 borders with mutually agreed-upon land swaps. J Street U is the student arm of J Street.

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