DEN Student Circle this Tuesday 10/11/16 at 7PM at the DEN

Are you curious about what Facebook is planning for its
Virtual/Augmented Reality Oculus Rift Platform?


Do you want to learn about disease-fighting nanotech robots that are the size of a molecule?


Have you heard of Artificial Intelligence and want to know about how it will be able to design architectural plans of a whole city in a matter of seconds?


Are you eager to learn what makes the difference between a Quantum computer and a normal one?


Do you love Boloco?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, come to the
DEN Student Circle this Tuesday 10/11/16 at 7PM at the DEN.


Be prepared to have your mind blown!


The DEN Innovation Center, 4 Currier Place, Suite 107, Hanover, NH 03755
