Hey you! Yeah YOU!! [😲]

Do you ever just feel like doing something really nice??? Want to show appreciation for the lovely Dartmouth community?

Do you...want to be a RAKSTAR? [😃]

"Wait what? What's a RAKSTAR?" --20s, lost 19s, 18s, 17s

Don't worry! Come to our FIRST MEETING TONIGHT (THURSDAY 09/22) @8PM IN COLLIS 218 and get ready to channel your inner kindness!!

We'll tell you all about RAK and write ~~anonymous letters (ooo!)~~ to welcome the 20s and Dartmouth students returning from the summer! Can't wait to kick off a happy-filled term, yayayay!

Random Acts of Kindness [♥]  [♥]  [♥]

P.S. If you can't make it to the meeting but would like to be on the list serv, please reply to this message with your email address!
[Image result for kindness gifs minions]