Hey Trippees, Trip Leaders, and Croolings!

We hope you had an amazing time on Trips this year, and that your first week of classes has started off well!

If you lost anything over the course of Trips and have yet to find it, please check out the Trips Lost & Found downstairs in the basement of Robo (just outside the Dartmouth Outdoor Rentals desk). Please claim your items by the end of the day this Friday, 9/16!! Anything that is not claimed by Friday will be thrown out or donated to the Listen Center.

Thanks so much, and have a great fall!!

Josh & Anna

DOC First-Year Trips Program
Dartmouth College
Robinson Hall 103
Hanover, NH  03755
(p) 603.646.3996
Blog: http://docfirstyeartrips.wordpress.com

Josh Cetron '16, Director
Anna Gabianelli '16, Assistant Director