Have you ever been called "the most outgoing tripee in this whole canoe" by the cooler of your two trip leaders? (you know which one it is.)

Are you so charming and witty that your ex's mom calls you more than your ex, just to talk?

Have you been told that
"You have to apply to be Ariel, you can't just show up in costume and start taking pictures with strangers" by an uppity Disneyland employee who obviously doesn't know talent when he sees it?

Then the Dog Day Players, Dartmouth's long form improv comedy group, may be right for you!

Want to learn more? Come to our first show of the term!

When: Monday, September 12th, at 9PM.

Where: Fahey Hall Lounge (next to Russell Sage)

With Whom: The Dartmouth Cords.

Want to get in on the action? Come to our Improv Workshop on Monday the 12th at 6 PM in the Fahey ground floor lounge with our friends in Casual Thursday.

Look out for another show, and auditions on Friday!


El Woof




