~Women’s and Men’s A Cappella Auditions~
Join one of Dartmouth’s craziest communities

Women’s auditions: Saturday @9am in Dartmouth Hall
Men’s auditions: Sunday @10am in Dartmouth Hall

Prepare the verse and chorus of a song.
And bring your lovely self.

*No experience necessary, just sing for us!*

How women’s auditions work:
1) Show up to Dartmouth Hall @9am on Saturday. You’ll hear each group sing, then you’ll sign up for individual time slots with each group (we encourage everyone to audition for every group!). No experience necessary, just sing for us!
2) Audition for each group at the slot you signed up for. You’ll sing us some warm-ups/scales, do some pitch matching, then sing us your prepared verse and chorus of a song!
3) If you got called back to one or more groups, you’ll get an email to return to the HOP. You’ll pick just *one* group to go back to, then you’ll go to that group’s room to learn some music, sing some scales, and sing a second prepared verse and chorus of a song. As you leave, you will give the group a list of other groups that called you back in order of preference.
4) The group you chose for callbacks will notify you of their decision. If you are not accepted, you may have a callback with other groups (in order of preference) during the next week. 

