[Asian/American Mentoring Program]

Sign up today to be an AAMP mentor!<http://dartmouth.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eca9a81ff0ca1897c229155b6&id=1451732d9f&e=f5262a29fc>

AAMP mentors will be paired with one or more incoming students for the 16-17 academic year (you do not have to be on for all terms). Through discussions, socials, and mentor-mentee relationships, AAMP hopes to provide a space for students to find community and explore what it means to identify as Asian American at Dartmouth.

Time commitment:

  *   Retreat - Sunday, 9/18, 10:30am - 3pm (mandatory for all participants)
  *   Monthly discussion series
  *   Monthly group socials
  *   Mentor-mentee interaction will be informal and determined by each pair/group.

Sign up<http://dartmouth.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eca9a81ff0ca1897c229155b6&id=d39e8af649&e=f5262a29fc> by Wednesday, August 31st!
Questions? Blitz [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>