Come one come all, we’re going to have a BALL!!

^^Rhyme as smooth as the ride down the Connecticut.

Sunday, August 7th @10:30 AM until approximately 1:30 PM

All expenses paid by Hillel

RSVP here by Monday:
August 7th @ 9:30AM




Dartmouth College Hillel is our campus chapter of Hillel International: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life.

Our Executive Board:
David Mannes, Ariel Wertheim, Michael Bodek, Jonah Kelly, and Ariel Klein

Our Weekly Schedule:
Monday: Open meetings at 6 pm, followed by dinner and conversation at 7 pm*
Wednesday: Jews and Java--free coffee from 3-5 pm at the Dartmouth Bookstore
Thursday:  Jew Croo for '19s at 6 pm*
Friday: Torah Study with Rabbi Boraz at 5pm, Shabbat services at 6 pm, followed by dinner at 7 pm*

*Located in the Roth Center for Jewish Life (white building behind the Choates)