Brought to you by the Office of Sustainability and

Green Groups Directorate




Spring Campus Tree Walk, 12-1pm, front steps of Robo

College arborist Brian Beaty will lead a walk around campus explaining why certain trees are planted and the process of doing so. For more information please contact Brian Kunz at [log in to unmask]


FARM CLUB MEETING, 4pm, Hornig Library in Fairchild

Interested in learning about the Organic Farm, finding out what a work day is, or just want to learn more about farm club? Join the meeting! 


“Zika, Ebola and Other Emerging Diseases: Exploring Animal and Environmental Connections to Human Health”, 4:30pm, Haldeman 041

EcoHealth Alliance conducts research into the critical connections between human and wildlife health. EcoHealth uses a OneHealth approach, which connects human health to animal health and the environment, to track the emergence of infectious diseases. Catherine Machalaba TDI ’09 discusses environmental drivers of the Zika, Ebola, and other disease threats and EcoHealth’s efforts across the global to identify threats before they cross into human populations.


Film: “DISOBEDIENCE”, Steele 007, 7pm

DISOBEDIENCE follows Break Free organizers in Canada, Germany, Turkey and the Philippines as they prepare to mobilize for major actions this May. It shows that the global movement to keep fossil fuels in the ground is growing in size and courage. Featuring author and activist Naomi Klein, 350.org co-founder Bill McKibben, as well as board member Lidy Nacpil and dozens of inspiring voices from front-line fights around the world.



Join an organization that works to find sustainable, affordable, socially conscious solutions for communities in need! DHE runs a wide range of technical projects in developing nations, including small-scale hydropower, improved cookstoves, and an initiative aimed at improving access to clean water.



“U.S. Climate Change Policy: A View from the Front”, 4:30pm, 105 Dartmouth Hall

Professor S. James (Jim) Gates Jr., will speak about current developments in US climate change policy. A dedicated teacher in his 44th year and a man committed to popularizing science, Jim Gates is know for his accessible approach to scientific complexities. In 2014 he was the first African-American inducted into the National Academy of Sciences. He also serves on the U.S. President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.


ECO MEETING, 7PM, Hornig Library

Do you have a sustainability-centered issue you've wanted to change on campus, but just don't have the funding, man power, or self motivation? Join ECO to discuss problems and solutions!


Interested in learning more about how to positively impact the investment portfolio of the College? Want to learn more about the national fossil fuel divestment movement that has taken hold in college campuses across the country? Join us for our weekly meeting.



OFFICE HOURS, 12-2pm, Robo 108 

Want to get involved with sustainability on campus? Have a random sustainability question? Just want to hang out and eat some yummy baked goods? Visit us for Office Hours every week on Thursdays!

FARM FIT/Open Workday, 4-6pm, Dartmouth Organic Farm
Come work at the farm and break a sweat! There's a lot to do with the warm weather coming up!

EcoReps Forum, 4pm, Fahey Ground Floor

This series of events will enable both faculty and students to engage in academic discourse about the topic of renewable energy. Come learn about the Big Green Dreams campaign, sign the Ecoreps' pledge, and get cool stickers! 


Pop-Up Bike Shop, 3-5:30pm, Fahey/McLane ground floor patio

Need help fixing your bike? Bring it to Fahey McLane and hang out with our awesome Bike Mechanics!

Farm Workday, 3-5pm, Dartmouth Organic Farm

Come do homework in the barn or do readings on the lawn! Then you can help do some seeding or a short task whenever you need a study break!



Spring & Summer Clothing Swap & Food Drive, 10am-2pm, Bugbee Senior Center (White River Junction)

Donate good pre-worn clothing on Saturday! Volunteers will sort and organize all the donations and then you can choose clothing on Sunday! If you can’t take clothing on Saturday, drop your stuff off at the SLC on Friday night and Lily Zhang will take it.



Spring & Summer Clothing Swap & Food Drive, 10am-2pm, Bugbee Senior Center (White River Junction)

Same as above, but get free clothes today!