It is our pleasure to announce the winners of the 4th Annual Servant Leadership Essay Contest!


Essay Prompt: “Serving others” is a term that is used in many different contexts. Please discuss its importance pertaining to leadership. Specifically, how can one lead from a position that is absent of inherent power, and how does service come into play? Describe a specific instance where you have seen or participated in this type of leadership in the Dartmouth or Upper Valley community.


First Place: Charlotte Gross ‘16

Second Place: Peter O’Leary ‘19

Third Place: Ivy Shen ‘16


Please find attached the first and second place winning essays.


Thank you to all who participated in the contest—all submissions were very thoughtful and reflective, and the pool was competitive.


Congratulations to our winners!


Blitz [log in to unmask] with any questions or concerns.


The Dartmouth Center for Service is hosting this event on behalf of an anonymous student organization.