Come thru today at 5:00 and FOLLOW THE FUTURE

(We'll have Future playing &#X1f610)

MoCA will be hosting its 2nd meeting of the term in 8ball hall 

We'l be discussing current affairs, BUT THAT'S NOT ALL!!!

We'll be hosting a FIFA/2K tourney, so if you plan on getting the works today, come thru if just for that. 

Aaaand if you're not into 2K or FIFA (what are you doing with your life &#X1f631 [but that's not the point &#X1f609]), we'll have a chill scene and UNO goin' on.

To summarize everything previously said here's

3 reasons to come:

1. For the discussion

2. For the community and chill scene

3. To catch an L, referring to FIFA and 2K 

Lastly, stay posted cause we just might be up to something tonight &#X1f60e ... (that last emoji looked pretty turnt if that's any indication)
