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Silent Auction Gala to Benefit Ledyard Charter School

Tonight, Sunday April 3, from 7-9pm

Top of the Hop

Ledyard Charter School (LCS) is a public charter school in Lebanon, NH that caters to students who thrive in an alternative educational environment. In New Hampshire, charter schools, though publicly funded, only receive about half of the per-pupil funding that traditional public schools receive from the state and the school relies heavily on donations. The event will feature a wide array of auction items, a performance by the Dodecs, baked goods for sale, and testimonials from LCS students. There is no ticket price to enter. Attire is casual, cash or check encouraged. DASH accepted for the bake sale!

Enjoy an acapella performance by the Dodecs at 7:45pm.

Bidding ends at 8:40pm.

Items available in the auction include: overnight stays at Upper Valley hotels, hundreds of dollars in gift certificates to local restaurants, a Harpoon Brewery gift basket, a signed Jodi Picoult book, Mighty Yoga gear, Muse Paintbar night out, Dartmouth gear, and so much more!

Students for Education Reform at Dartmouth
co-sponsored by Alpha Xi Delta, Sigma Delta, Bones Gate, Alpha Phi, Kappa Kappa Gamma, and Phi Delta