Do any of the following apply to you?

-First Year Trip Leader

-First Year Trip Crooling

-Completed First Year Trip training (even if didn't end up leading one)

-DOC Sub-Club(s) Leader

If yes (and you're here for 15X), then you're qualified to


and Rediscover Dartmouth!

Sophomore Trips is a program that originated in 1999 and is based off of DOC First-Year Trips. The purpose behind Sophomore Trips (Strips!) is to bring sophomores from all over campus together on a 3-day outing trip at the beginning of sophomore summer. It's an awesome way to meet new people from your class, relive that First-Year Trips bonding, and "Rediscover Dartmouth."

Strips 15X will be taking place from Sunday, June 19 - Tuesday, June 21. Leader training will take place on the evening of June 18.


Please fill out this link:

?                                       Applications due by April 14th at midnight

Please email [log in to unmask] with any questions!

***NOTE: If you're applying to lead a Strip, you should also fill out the form to go on a Strip (due April 21st). We will not place you on a Strip if you are selected to lead one. Look for a blitz from us with the sign-up next week***