Greetings, friends!

For Theology on Tap this evening, we'll discuss the idea of ritual.

During the Protestant Reformation, there was a strong pushback against the Catholic tradition of ritual in worship. It was seen as empty pageantry at best, or idolatry at worst. Since the Oxford Movement in the mid-19th century, however, many parts of the Anglican tradition have gone back to looking very traditional and "Catholic," with vestments, incense, and even devotion to the Blessed Virgin becoming increasingly popular among some Episcopalians and other Anglicans (though many still prefer the "low church" style of simpler, more "Protestant-looking" worship). 

How does ritual affect your spirituality? 

Does the repetition of the liturgy help or hurt your experience?

What rituals do you use in your life?

Do they have a spiritual component?

What about more secular rituals, like the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace, or the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier?

Please join us for a discussion over free drinks and garlic fries, tonight at 9pm at the Canoe Club. 

All are welcome, no exceptions!


Ethan Falleur, '16

Campus Ministry Coordinator