V-February Event: The Vagina Monologues

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Written by Eve Ensler
Performed by Self-Identified Women Students of Dartmouth

About Eve Ensler

Eve Ensler, Tony Award winning playwright, performer, and activist, is the author of The Vagina Monologues, which has been translated into over 48 languages, performed in over 40 countries, including sold-out runs at both Off-Broadway's Westside Theater and on London's West End (2002 Olivier Award nomination for Best Entertainment), and has run for 10 years in Mexico City and Paris.

In November 2009, Ensler was named one of the US News and World Report's "Best Leaders" in association with the Center for Public Leadership (CPL) at Harvard Kennedy School. In 2010 she was named one of "125 Women Who Changed Our World" by Good Housekeeping Magazine. In 2011 she was named one of Newsweek's "150 Women Who Changed the World" and The Guardian's "100 Most Influential Women."

Ensler's experience performing The Vagina Monologues inspired her to create V-Day, a global activist movement to stop violence, envisioning a planet in which women and girls will free to thrive, rather than merely survive. V-Day has received numerous acknowledgements and awards and is one of the Top-Rated organizations on Charity Navigator and Guidestar.
2016 Beneficiary

2016 marks the 45th year that WISE has served the Upper Valley by providing crisis intervention and support services to victims and survivors of domestic and sexual violence. WISE works to empower victims of domestic and sexual violence and stalking to become safe and self-reliant through crisis intervention and support services. WISE advances social justice through community education, training and public policy.
Over the last decade, WISE has supported more than 10,000 victims, provided trauma support training to over 5,000 first-responder professionals, taught healthy relationship skills to more than 18,000 students and reached over 11,000 community members with customized workshops.

All proceeds from the production of the Vagina Monologues will be donated to WISE.

For more information see: www.wiseoftheuppervalley.com<http://dartmouth.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9ec49506dfffc6ed23309ced4&id=1fe4d7bfeb&e=e88e81a28e>


WISE provides a 24-hour crisis line, medical, court, legal, and social service advocacy, emergency shelter, crisis and supportive services, psycho-educational groups for children who witness violence, transitional housing, and safety planning services in addition to educational and support groups.  All services are FREE and CONFIDENTIAL.



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