Got beef to settle with someone? Think you got the plays and moves like Faker?

Then sign up for the 1v1 Tournament hosted by the Computer Gaming Association to settle it all on the rift!

The 1v1 tournament will pit you against other Dartmouth students looking to win for glory and for RP prizes!

Register for the tourney by entering your name AND Summoner's Name:

The tourney will be in COLLIS 101 starting at 4 PM on Saturday, February 6. It will be 

followed by the usual LAN Party and LCS Viewing Party. All skill levels are welcome!

To get you hyped, here's the most famous 1v1 in LoL history (Faker vs Ryu)
Probably the Best Zed vs Zed ProPlay Featurin SKT T1's Faker Including an Awesome build up by MonteCristo (@ggCMonteCristo) and DOA (@ggDOA) This Is From OGN's ...