*TODAY (1/29): Fireside Friday at the Farm!*
2-4 PM: Come join us away from all the hustle and bustle of campus to cozy
up by the fire at the O Farm! Bring your boots and go for a walk, study in
the comfy chairs (we have wifi), or just take a nap! Hot water, tea, cocoa,
and snacks will be provided- *Bring your own mug or thermos! **Rides
leaving from behind Robo at 2pm today!*

Join the 2016 Sugar Crew this spring break to learn the entire process of
maple syrup production, from tapping trees and boiling sap, to processing
and selling syrup! The crew will also be cooking and eating tons of great
food, visiting nearby sugaring operations, and making pancakes with eco
celeb Bill McKibben(!!!)

Oh, and there's *no fee*. Pretty *sweet*, right?

*Send your application to Claire ([log in to unmask]
<[log in to unmask]>) and Dana ([log in to unmask]
<[log in to unmask]>) by** midnight tonight! *The attached app
is super short but contains vital information for your future happiness, so
be sure to read through it before you send yours in!

****If you are excited about **sugaring** but can't commit to the entire
program, blitz Claire **and Dana, who'll** let you know when there is work
to be done~*

We're stoked to work or see you at the farm, whether it's for one day or
the whole season!


your farm