For the past several decades, HIV/AIDS has occupied a prominent space in our dialogues about public health. However, certain misconceptions have plagued these dialogues since the initial discovery of the disease, and continue to persist to these days. These misconceptions, including those regarding gender and sexuality, have significantly impacted public health policies attempting to respond to HIV/AIDS.


The Nelson A. Rockefeller Center, along with the Hopkins Center Outreach and OPAL – Sexuality, Women and Gender Advising, is proud to welcome Dada Masilo, a South African dancer and choreographer, and Dartmouth professors Lisa Adams, Abigail Neely, and Denise Anthony, to discuss the ways that gender and sexuality impact HIV/AIDS policy and healthcare delivery as part of Dartmouth’s annual celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr.


Please join us today, January 19th, at 4:30 p.m. in Rocky 003 for the public lecture entitled “Global Perspectives on HIV/AIDS: Policy, Advocacy and the Arts” featuring these four panelists. The panel will be followed by a reception in the Rocky 003 Foyer.