HEY ‘19s!!!!
Do you think it’d be fun to meet alumni of all ages and act as a student ambassador to the college?
Do you love learning about Dartmouth’s historyand traditions?

If so, the Hill Winds Society is looking for you!!!
Come to an

Tuesday, January 11th 6:00-7:00pm
Paganucci Lounge in FoCo
Come learn about the group see if you might be interested in applying!!
The Hill Winds Society is a diverse group of student leaders selected to be ambassadors to the Dartmouth College alumni body. Society members are selected based on their campus involvement, communication skills, leadership ability/potential, and an infectious Dartmouth spirit. Our organization includes captains, presidents, and other leaders of numerous student organizations, fraternities and sororities, and athletic teams. From a variety of interests, backgrounds, and disciplines, we were chosen to represent the best of what Dartmouth has to offer.

The Hill Winds Society

Class of 2016
Class of 2017
Class of 2018
Alexandra Carr
David Cordero
Oscar Friedman
Julietta Gervase
Nkenna Ibeakanma
Joshua Koenig
Lily Morrision
Oliver Peisch
Joseph Wang
Abigail Baskin
Kayuri Bhimani
Shivam Chadha
Jennifer Cunningham
Hirsh Elhence
Spencer Furey
Matthew Kim
Thuy Le
Raphael Sacks
Madellena Thorton
Alexis Wallace
Abigail Agwunobi
Zainab Bakrin
Andrew Boules
Madeline Chisholm
Shashwat Kala
Harrison Perkins
Pooja Singhi
Eric Thorpe
Alana Tucker
Nicholas Vernice
Sydney Walter
Benjamin Wilson