Shanti, Dartmouth Hindu Student Organization, invites you to the annual
celebration of Diwali on our campus on Saturday, November 14th. The
celebration is in four events. There will be a prayer service, lighting
lamps on the Green, cultural performances by Dartmouth students and
Community members, and an Indian Vegetarian dinner.

Diwali, also called the festival of lights, is a Hindu festival that has
gained popularity across the globe. According to Hindu legend, Diwali
honors the stories of two avatars of the Hindu God Vishnu. It marks the
triumph of good over evil (dharma over adharma) and is celebrated by
lighting lamps on a New Moon day. Spiritually, the lighting of a lamp
reminds us to kindle our own lamp of knowledge to dispel the darkness of

The event is free and open to all members of the Dartmouth and the Upper
Valley community.  No RSVP needed, but limited seating, so come early.

Here is the official program:

Shanti's Annual DIWALI celebration
DATE: Saturday, November 14, 2015
Free & open to all

3.30-4.30pm: Hindu Puja at Rollins Chapel (seating starts at 3.15, Limited
4.30-5.30pm: Lighting Lamps and sparklers on Dartmouth Green (5000 lamps!)
5.45-7:00pm: Cultural Program at Rollins Chapel (seating starts at 5.30,
Limited seating)
7.00pm: Indian Vegetarian Dinner in Rollins Chapel

Diwali event page :

(Sponsored by Upper Valley Indian Community, Special Programs & Events
Committee, Graduate Student Council, Tucker Center, Thayer Council, and

​Dartmouth Hindu Student Organization