1. Do you have an idea for a strange cookie?
  2. Do you bake fantastic cookies?
  3. Have you never baked a cookie in your life but want to learn how?
  4. Are you more interested in making other deserts?
  5. Is the answer to this question "yes"?

If you answered "yes" to any of the above 5 questions, then you should come bake with us tonight from 4-12. Or Tomorrow from 11-4. We estimate that we probably make around 1000-3000 cookies each M&C, and usually around 60 varieties. We could never possible handle this alone, and we need your help! Some take a study break and come bake cookies with us! We also have just a few of our 15F Milk and Cookies T-shirts left to give out, so bakers can claim them, first come, first serve!

Or, if you just want to eat cookies, you should join us for our Milk and Cookies event 8-10 on Saturday 10/23. And, Great Scott it's October 2015! Marty McFly got here a few days ago. In his honor, Milk and Cookies will be Back to the Future themed, so pull out your hoverboards and your auto-lacing shoes, so lets put on a show for Marty! 

Phi Tau is the house with the blue door, just north of Kemeny. We're located at 31 N. Main St. on a map.

Pumpkin Blossom Cookies Recipe - Saveur.com: