Dear Dartmouth Community,
The Greek Leadership Council stands in solidarity with the Native Americans at Dartmouth, along with their friends, allies, and others impacted by the recent hateful actions.
We ask that you remember the founding of our nation and reflect on how our history strongly affects the Native community. Native Americans have been subjected to hate, ignorance, and inhumane treatment and we are appalled that these same behaviors are present in our Dartmouth community. We are ashamed at the environment of disrespect that has been cultivated on our campus.
We stand with each member of the NAD community, affiliated or not, because we believe in the dignity of all people. As a council, we strive to create a more inclusive, just environment for every student on campus.  Our council’s Constitution forbids the usurpation of and insensitivity to a person or group, and every affiliated Dartmouth student is required to stand by this. We call on the entire campus to follow these ideals and promote an environment of mutual respect.  
If you are looking for support, please contact the resources below.
In solidarity,
Greek Leadership Council
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