Come visit Amarna tonight, October 19th for

 ☽Monday Night Dinner☾
at 7pm, 23 East Wheelock Street:
a time to actually talk one-on-one with a prof and make up for not going to office hours.


This Monday, Amarna welcomes Professor Bill Phillips, the much sought-after unicorn of the Film Department. He will be discussing the current *Golden Age* of Television... Basically everything you've been binge watching for the past three years, like Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad. Most importantly, he'll be talking about why those shows are so incredible!
Of course, expect a KICKASS home-cooked, vegetarian meal.

On our menu is:
☼Autumn Butternut Squash Soup☼
☼French Bâtard☼
☼Mocha Shortbread☼

So stop on by, settle down, and actually talk to your profs for once.

Only at Amarna.
Not a house. A safe haven from early snowfall.

Don’t know where Amarna is?
(Don't let that stop you!)
Keep walking past the gym and East Wheelock and cross the intersection. You’ll find our navy blue house with Amarna over the door! It's kinda hard to miss it, so don't.